Yep I fell into my old comfortable rut today... I tried a couple times to steer my way out of it, but slipped right back in - sigh...
So I'm at work now - in another one of my ruts - LOL! This one I get paid for though :) Business is slow - but then I haven't been able to really go out an push 'myself' - not quite sure how, beside just going to support meetings and having a presence on-line... putting myself out there in cyber-land is a scary thing though. One its a new process and learning curve and I just haven't had the time to sit down and figure it out. (excuse #1) I just can't seem to get motivated - even typing out this much tonight has been an on/off process... my mind is just scattered and doesn't want to stay on track. I have days like that - where I just feel 'fuzzy' and 'disconnected' - really hard to describe. I think a big part of it is stress... and not wanting to face 'life' right now. So I've been jumping from one thing to another and NOTHING gets done... sigh... I'm going to stop typing now and delve into some HULU and try to chart. Thank goodness THAT is done by route - nothing really changes and I could almost do it blind folded - LOL - but then I would write outside of the lines :^/
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