And what that change will be I'm not sure. You know the old saying when it rains it pours - we it sure as shit does!! Yep I cussed - because damn it I feel like cussing right about now - LOL - OK I feel better :) My head is going around in so many circles - I'm not sure which way the wind is coming from - but I'm going to trust in God!! He hasn't failed us yet - but he sure has surprised us a few times!!
A touch of history here - way back when, my Dad had a stroke. My sister cared for him for as long as she was physically able to (not sure of the 'lesson' God was sending her), then Dad moved back to his house and we (Gary and I) moved out of our home (Leaving Lynn at age 18 taking care of the house. What a way for someone that age to learn what its like to live on their own with the safety net of Mom and Dad near by) and moved in with Dad to care for him until he needed to move to a skilled facility. That timing was just right to sell his home at the top of the housing market. (All of this brought the three sisters closer together - which even to this day we enjoy a closer relationship than we had for YEARS before) Things went on and Mom passed and the estate closed. With the gift that my parents left us we were able to build the home we are in now (With a second 'Master' for Momma) - on the same property Gary grew up on. (The timing here was impeccable!! Momma was at a point where she could NOT live on her own anymore and the 'motorhome' she was in was unlivable) So now it seems we are at another crossroads...
It is a fact that IF she has to have a pin placed (especially if under general anesthesia) her Alzheimer's will go FULL BLOWN - and no she isn't full blown right now. IF she doesn't need surgery - she will still be needing more care that I/we can give. Gary is out of work and for him to get a job - we can't take care of her. Especially as he will most likely be going back to truck driving. So what ever is decided tomorrow at the Ortho Specialist - something will be changing soon...
So if you are a praying type of person - please pray for us - that what ever is blown our way is meant to be... Thank you!!
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