Saturday, March 3, 2012


This has been such a hard week... in more ways than one and on so many different fronts. Regrets and might have beens and should have dones... what would have happened if... all those questions on so many different levels.

I think we found a place for Momma - and wish we would have found it BEFORE she went to a residential care place - but we didn't have the insurance or $$ to do that... again those might haves, and should haves...

Then of course there is the $$ issues... boy could I whine about that right now! Then to top it off there are things that I just can't get into in a public forum... things that hurt so much there aren't words anyways...

One thing I do know though is my family is VERY dear to me... there are going to be tough times ahead - requesting any and all prayers that life will turn out the way God wants it to... and that it won't hurt too much more than it does right now!

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