Today has been a nice day off - went shopping (grocery) and actually used coupons for the first time - saved some and will probably become one of 'those' coupon junkies - LOL - so did up a HUGE pot of stew - it should last for several days, but I will probably freeze some in individual servings. Also got some chicken for 0.77 cents a pound - cooked a bunch up - so that will be used sometime during the week... We also are watching the Grandpuppies today - letting Daughter & Husband have a day off on their own -not having to worry about 'the kids'... they have been good puppies today :)
Saturday should be fun - hosting the N.CA Gather... I'm not sure just how many will show up... and hey if you are in the Sacramento area not doing anything else, come on by :) It started out as just one forum get together, but I put it up on FB because I didn't get much response on that forum so I opened it up... we'll see how it goes. We also do a breakfast once a month - the second Saturday... that is also open for any one that wants to swing by.
Anyway to get back to today - so after cooking and spending time w/Gary - checking e-mail etc and Woo Hoo - got an order from someone at the Support Group meeting yesterday!! So out I went and made a delivery - LOVE IT!! Now Momma is all ready for bed - we are watching Babalon 5 DVDs and counting down until she goes to bed and we can be 'alone'... well we will still have puppies - not sure when they will get picked up - LOL! (amended - they're picked up and the kids had a great day)
Tomorrow I'm going to a MeetUp - that should be interesting... sounds like it is a new group. Maybe there will be another customer there - here's hoping!!
OH I also caught up with another side of the Johnson family!! FB is such a wonderful tool. Now to meet up with them and catch up on years worth of 'what happened in your life?' I can't wait.,.
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